TOMÁŠ MARUŠIAK: Questions about AIART 2024
Tomáš Marušiak, born in 1980, is a new media artist and scientist specializing in AIArt, 3D computer art, and Net.art.
Hulk TRAIN 01 (2015)
In this piece, Marussiac considers the question of contemporary culture and relationships between big world heroes. The installation, HULK TRAIN
Artist statement
The basic starting point of my work is located in the area behind the other side of the monitor, in
Debunking the fascist fans
Tomas Marusiak AKA marussiac used in your art completely new technology of digital recognition of emotions of a human face.
Hulk TRAIN 01 (2015)
In this piece, Marussiac considers the question of contemporary culture and relationships between big world heroes. The installation, HULK TRAIN
Are you hereAre you here? (2012)
Concentration camps created during World War II by Nazi Germany have been created to collect the sworn enemies of white
Jesus Saves-CROSSWALK (2012)
With 'Jesus Saves-CROSSWALK,' Tomas Marussiac has again created a series of interesting artworks. For several years, the artist has been
Secret Identity Handbooks (2011)
Marussiac continues its recent series of 'Spider-Man Baptism.' Spider-Man is a hero who hides his identity to the world, therefore,
Ice Hockey Prayer (2009)
The Marussiac Ice Hockey Prayer installation is a remix of a classic game. The original board game has simple rules
Virgin Mary of Slovakia Protector (2007)
Slovakia has a very strong Christian tradition, which affects the society and culture, and the Marussiac 'Virgin Mary of Slovakia
Smart Mass by Marussiac Presents Religion Fused with Tech (2006)
Nowadays, it is difficult to find the boundaries between spiritual life and consumerism, and Smart Mass by Marussiac aims to
The ‚Skingoo‘ Series by Tomas Marussiac Explores Human Rights Issues (2004)
Skingoo' is a series by Tomas Marussiac, who began working with digital art in 2001. His first comprehensive series of
Animal Exchanged For Human Skin (2004)
Nowadays, it is difficult to find the boundaries between spiritual life and consumerism, and Smart Mass by Marussiac aims to
Louvre Museum Without Artwork Muslim Countries (2003)
Clear clumsy culture is a short interactive video by Thomas Marussiac. The video is created as a visitor’s view of
Mummification (2001)
Mummification is the name of this exceptional work by Marussiac. Marussiac is a multimedia artist who mostly creates digital and